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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 2/24/09

FEBRUARY 24, 2009

Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.    Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.

Town Administrator Chuck Kostro presented a schedule change for 2009 Building Department fees to bring Newbury in line with surrounding towns.   Two new fees were added, a trench permit fee and a zoning verification letter fee, he noted.   Selectman Wright moved to accept the fee changes as presented, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.    Kostro advised that anticipated revenues are still going down.    All departments have been asked to cut their expense budget requests by 30% to help balance the FY10 budget and the Town will need to use all available resources to get through FY09.    Meetings are scheduled next week to proceed with the tax title process for delinquent taxes.    Of the eight top outstanding properties, one has been paid and one is pending.    Kostro presented for review a proposed template for BOS meeting agendas and a list of procedures to be followed for submittal of articles for the agenda.  Kostro also advised he had submitted his name to the State as Chief Procurement Officer for Newbury and all bid processes will now go through his office.

Ron Barrett and Gene Smith spoke on the possibility of placing wind turbines on the JRM site.    Barrett suggested a study be done on the turbines so that we would have answers to any questions that may arise during public hearings.   Chairman Russo noted that the attorney for JRM has been contacted.    Martha Taylor advised the Planning Board is working on a wind turbine bylaw and they hope to have it ready for the ATM.    Barrett commented on the sand bags on the beach and noted that a fence had been erected up above but a fence is also needed at the bottom along with “no trespassing” signs.    A maintenance plan to keep sand on the bags is also needed and he proposed a stipend of $5K be budgeted for this purpose.    Chairman Russo suggested a line item be provided each year.   Kostro noted the problem right now is where to find the money and equipment costs for Tim also need to be considered.   Some short term options may be available.    Also discussed was DCR’s receipt of state and federal funding for disposing of the spoils of the dredging process on to P.I. and Salisbury beaches.   DCR will do all permitting and a local match of $175K is being negotiated with Newbury, Newburyport and Salisbury.    

Selectman Wright updated the Board on Comcast.   She noted that Rowley’s contract has been finalized.    The proposal to Newbury is 4% and $50K start up funds to hook up Town Hall and start the studio with Rowley at Triton.    Finalizing this contract will put Newbury in a better position to negotiate with Verizon.   Selectman Wright will continue to work with Town Counsel and Atty. Solomon to finalize the Comcast contract.

It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to open the ATM warrant to petition articles on 2/24/09 and close on 3/31/09.

It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to send the Agricultural License for Great Meadow Farms between the Town and Bill Colby to the Agricultural Commission and Conservation Commission for recommendations prior to renewal.

The U.S. Department of the Interior letter regarding pepperweed control was tabled to the next meeting and sent back to Conservation for clarification.

A notice from Mr. Moe’s package store regarding closure for vacation was accepted and filed on a motion by Selectmen Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

A disclosure letter from Frank Remley of the Finance Committee was accepted and filed on a motion by Selectmen Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

A request from Plum Island Grille to have entertainment on premise from 6-8 p.m. on six Thursday evenings (2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 and 4/2)  was approved as described in their letter of February 17th on a motion by Selectmen Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

A request for use of the Upper Green ball field by the Neptune Softball League Wednesday and Thursday evenings July 1st through Labor Day   5 p.m. to dusk was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Stuart Proctor, Registrar of the Softball League, inquired as to the possibility of constructing a second soft ball field at NES.    He was directed to Chris Walsh at Triton and Kostro advised he would need a letter of request with all the pertinent information, including funding and a definitive plan, to distribute to the necessary town departments.

On the recommendation of the Board of Fire Engineers, Andrew Herendeen was appointed as Hazardous Material Coordinator for the Town of Newbury on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.

The resignation of Richard Joy as Moderator was accepted with deep regret on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.

A general business license for the HC Group d/b/a Unishippers at 12 Kent Way, Byfield was approved on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.   Operating hours will be Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Two one-day liquor licenses were approved for the Byfield Arts Center Cat in the Cradle Coffeehouse on February 27 and 28th from 7:30 – 11 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

The minutes of the February 10, 2009 meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Chairman Russo and voted.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant